I took the zombie test, and got some pretty interesting results! I found this widget on site builder and thought it would be fun. I think I have also seen this on New Grounds, but I can't really remember! :P 

 I challenge you to see what you get! And be honest!! The test is better that way! My results are as follows:
  Physical rating- B 

 Mental rating- C

   Experience rating- D

   Emotional rating- F 


      Your knowledge, strength, and will to survive are unstopable. It would take a Nuclear Holocaust to remove you from the face of the earth! Zombies don't stand a chance!

     LOL- Yesss..so I am emotionally stunted (according to the test) but unstoppable!!! Muahahahaha!
Ps- I would love to see what you would get, call it morbid curiousity!